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About us

Honeytruffle is produced on the mountain Kozhuf by the families Kostov and Andev, while the scientific examinations and analysis are conducted by Dr. Petreski. Our sole purpose is to produce an organic product which will create healthy future generations. What we firmly believe in is the connection between nature and medicine when maintaining the perfect balance of the human organism. Honeytruffle is the first in the series of products which are the result of our idea. A benefit from nature proved and verified by science.


It is created in conditions of pure energy with lots of love. The bees’ families are based in the bosom of the biblical mountain Kozhuf in the village Sermenin, at 20km from the nearest urban environment. In this exact area and in special harmony of pure energy the bees are producing the miraculous HONEYTRUFFLE. Produced and extracted from the place where a mighty basin of valuable natural resources is found and exists, HONEYTRUFFLE carries in itself the energy of the universal power which helps anyone who needs that power the most.

The entire process from collecting the honey to the moment of its packaging takes place in strictly controlled conditions. The secondary production is in Skopje where the final product is packed. The organic production has been HACCAP certified for quality.


Created with lots of love and pure energy, COSMIC HONEYTRUFFLE is the essence of modern living.


Due to the innovative nature of Honeytruffle we constantly make analyze and test its possibilities.

Contact us

st. 518, nr. 1/2, P.O.Box 30
1000 Skopje, Macedonia
phone: +389 2 3119 613






